We would greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Space has been provided at the end of this form for comments or suggestions on later versions of this luck survey.
Please check the highest level of education completed: Elementary School College Graduate (Bachelor's) High School Some Graduate Courses Some College Graduate Degre (Master's or Doctorate)
Very Lucky Not too lucky Often Lucky Mostly unlucky Somewhat Very unlucky Uncertain
2. How generally lucky have you been in the past?
3. How generally lucky do you feel you will be in the future?
4. Do you feel you can control your luck...
consistently? infrequently? fairly often? rarely? occasionally? not at all? unsure
6. If yes, did you purchase the ticket(s) because you "felt lucky"? Click here Yes No
7. How often do you purchase lottery or raffle tickets? Click here Very_often Fairly_often Occasionally Rarely Never
8. Have you been to a casino and gambled there, or gambled somewhere else recently?
9. If yes, what types of games have you gambled on? (please tick all that apply)
Blackjack Poker Roulette Bingo Slot machines Sports Craps Other
11. If you answered that you felt your luck might run out, please specify why you felt that way, the situation(s) and the outcome in the box below.
12. How often do you feel unlucky? Click here Often Fairly_often Occasionally Rarely Never
13. If you answered that you feel unlucky often, fairly often or occasionally, please specify in what situations you felt unlucky and the outcome.
14. Please define luck as you interpret it in the box below.
15. In your opinion, is the existence of extra-sensory perception (ESP) Click here certain? probable? uncertain? improbable? impossible?
The concept of luck transcends cultural boundaries but the meaning of luck appears to be as varied as the cultures themselves. In the box below, please provide some information about where you live - your country of residence and any other information you feel might help us understand luck from your cultural perspective.
16. What country do you reside, and in your country are there any interesting traditions or rituals involving luck?
17. What other questions regarding luckiness do you think are relevant or helpful to understanding luck?